St Alphage Tower

I follow an artist called David Fletcher on Twitter, who captures buildings and features with hundreds of photos and creates 3D photogrammetry models, a 3D representation, that you can spin around on the screen and look at from all angles. 
He left a little 3D printed model of this tower in a niche in the wall yesterday, to be claimed by whoever found it, and I was the lucky one who got there first.
I have put up a picture of the model here

This is a map of his work, you can click on each pin to see what it is, and then follow the link to the 3D model. They are really amazing. 

“These are the ruins of the 14thC tower of the chapel of the Priory of Elsing Spital which was incorporated into the second church of St Alphage at the time of the reformation. The original 11thC church which was dedicated to St Alphage, Archbishop of Canterbury who was killed by the Danes in 1012, lay further to the north against London Wall. Its ruins were demolished when the Priory chapel was taken over by the parish church. These remains were exposed when surrounding buildings were destroyed by enemy action in 1940.”

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