The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Reluctant Browser

Dear O'H dear, Lovely Tea Jenny and The Mini Princesses,

The Prince and I had a chilled morning. The Youngest Mini Princess (and a friend) had an unplanned stay after a dance competition in Edinburgh so it was lovely to (briefly) see her before she headed back to Glasgow.

We took Murphy for a lovely walk and I had great plans for an afternoon of reading my book but Lovely Shuvly called to say she was in up in IKEA and asked if I fancied meeting her for coffee.

“I suspect this is a ruse to get me to wander round IKEA with her,” I grumbled to The Prince as I was leaving.

And it was! And it was busy. Really busy. And then we had coffee. In IKEA. LS did however get me a piece of apple cake which was surprisingly nice.

“I was in IKEA for THREE HOURS,” I said to The Prince when I came home.

“You should have had the meatballs and gravy!” was his sage advice!


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