More Green

After dropping off the Cygnet at playgroup I went out and did some location checking for a wedding I have been talked into doing ............... I must be mad!
Hopefully it will be dry.

It was then a case of scrounging coffee from a friend who once again confirmed that if she fell in a midden she would come up smelling of roses.

When we picked up the Cygnet we were handed what basically amounted to a "report card" of his progress.
What the hell is that about?

He is speaking better, he is getting involved more, he is learning to follow simple instructions......................
No Shit Sherlock --- He is 3 years old.

A trip into town in the afternoon to buy a new reflector and then a couple of stops on the way home - one where I was able to by some new work gloves and a bale of microfiber clothes (amongst other things) and the other where I was able to confirm being able to buy boxes, bubble wrap, packing tape etc nice and cheaply for Bags impending house move.

Out again for a coffee this evening and get very jealous of all the nice lenses on show .......... although they were on show in the hope that they will dry out without any problems after getting a soaking from rather amusing circumstances on a trip back from a rather wet trip to Eilean Donan castle.

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