Red alert

How many of you (you'll have to be of my generation to remember this!) now have a tune and the words ...

..."only the crumbliest, flakiest, chocolate tastes just like chocolate never tasted before"......

in your head????

Birchwood Town Council do a wonderful job of looking after the green areas near us, and they have actively planted wild meadow plants on the verges and roundabouts this year. Its wonderful driving past the roundabout near us and seeing this blaze of colour.

I have to make it clear, that unlike the lovely ladies in the Cadbury's flake adverts, I did not delicately walk through the poppies carrying an easel, whilst wearing a floaty dress and looking lovely and alluring.


I clomped along in my hiking trainers, with my camera slung across my shoulders, looking decidedly scruffy,

Why Red Alert.

One word.


We thought we'd be OK until September - new OFSTED regime starts on September 1st. Big changes, but we are well up on what we have to do and are moving forward.

HOWEVER, with 3 weeks remaining of the summer term, we had notice today of a strand inspection.

Next week.


Bath, bed, sleep - early morning to go in and crunch some numbers before my day starts tomorrow :-)

As for the magic button from yesterday - I haven't found it, but I might have found an ICT technician who can solve the problem in some respects.

Thanks for all the comments (and the ratings which I was especially excited about) on my blip of Fiddlers Ferry from Monday. Much appreciated :-)

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