A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

The Magic Button

Yep - life is easy.
Thats HALF of my list of jobs that are ongoing at the moment and which need to be done in the next 3 weeks.
The other half is hiding.
The list WILL get bigger.
And the list DOESN'T include preparation of lessons, teaching my lessons, marking work, following up on behaviour issues, meeting with parents etc etc.

But APPARENTLY much of my workload can be immediately resolved...according to one of my colleagues, in discussion about a significant aspect of my data management role, I quote "surely, all of this can be done at the touch of a button"

Apparently?! If someone could find the magic button for me I would be most grateful.

Whilst they are at it, something to stop the stress levels increasing to the point of frustration and tears....which will, if left unchecked, lead to a possible charge of GBH on someone....probably the next person to utter the words ..."at the touch of a button"........


I back blipped last night. Didn't get chance to post because it was too late to process and upload - I needed some sleep. Please take a look :-)

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