6N2024 Scotland game, rugby fund raising biscuit.

There was a fund raiser at the rugby club for a good cause. A real rugby family event, and busy. My wife baked, lemon drizzle cake and empire biscuits (this is one!), A good sum raised. Younger son got injured at end of last week’s game, so not playing today; the team won, it was a fresh wind. (There’s an extra photo).

Six Nations 2024.
Scotland win first game.
Outstanding first half.
Woeful second half.
Wales 26 - Scotland 27.
Momentum to Wales in second half.
Scotland discipline not good, 14 penalties in a row, wasted a lead of 27-0.
Individuals need to look at their attitude.
Scotland first win in Cardiff since 2002.
Finn Russell, first game as captain.

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