
By conventgirl

At last!

I wanted to take photos of birds but there weren't many in my garden. So, feeding them seemed the answer. I threw bread on the lawn but that really only attracted the pidgeons who were already there. Then I bought some seed and a feeder and hung it up for them in a place that wasn't too near bushes. That was a month ago and as far as I know this is the first bird that has been anywhere near it. Hopfully now one has come, many will follow.

In other news - I completed my 10k walk yesterday. I was easier than I thought it would be and I did it in under 2hrs . There were about 400 of us altogether. It is billed as a 'starlight walk' but there were no stars to be seen due to the bad weather. We were lucky though because it rained just before we set off and then cleared until just after we finished. Even though I say it myself, I am quite proud of my achievement.

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