Candlemas Bells   
Today is Candlemas Day when traditionally halfway between the winter solstice and the spring equinox, candles were brought to church to be blessed at a time when candles were the main source of light.  In the Christian church it was the time of The Presentation of the infant Christ  in the Temple and candles were lit around the church symbolising Jesus as the Light of the world.  Churches were often decorated with snowdrops and many old country churchyards have masses of snowdrops.
Snowdrops start to appear in profusion around Candlemas with one of its alternative names being Candlemas Bells or Fair Maids of February.  The French call them perce-neige (snow piercer) because their leaves are able to penetrate the hard winter earth and in German they are Schneeglockchen (snow bells)  The flowers are symbols of hope that the dark days of winter will soon give way to the lighter days of spring)

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