Ballet Dancers

The two most common garden species of crocus are hybrids and forms of Crocus vernus and Crocus tommasinianus.  The biggest flowered ones are the Dutch raised vernus forms, bigger than most, if not all of the wild forms.  I much prefer the more delicate 'Tommies' which remain truer to their wild origins.   Here's a shot from six years ago showing them en masse.  The ones pictured above are distinguished by the buff coloured outer surface of the outer three petals, more common is a silvery wash but the ones in the extra pic are closest to the common wild plants which mostly originate from former Yugoslavia.  Tommies can naturalise and even become a weed as they both make seed and multiple new corms.  There are numerous colour variations in cultivation.

After helping Jamie to the station for the 930 train this morning I've had a fairly productive day.  Quite a few ticks on the admin list and I spent time reorganising (decluttering and cleaning) the kitchen to good effect.  The dogs had a run at the ball field, I cooked myself a nice meal and Ruth and I caught up on the latest pottery throwdown this evening.  I've a couple of pieces in production at home at the moment so I am going to have a little play before bedtime :-)

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