Do Re Mi Faaaaaa

Today I realised I have some cheap deodorant that is exacerbating body odour, rather than suppressing it. The brand is called Fa Men. Where is trusty Dove when you need it?

I plugged away and cleared some things off my plate. Some government counterparts have arrived in town ready for some deliberations tomorrow on some species initiatives the regional government is keen to push, with our assistance. I was asked to eat dinner with one of the government bods who used the opportunity to request funding for another activity relating to our shared work on transboundary cooperation between Tanzania and Mozambique. It is strategic so I’ll have to enter a new round of internal approvals and logistics to make it happen.

These school pupils are taking their turn as road safety monitors, which in the UK would be termed ‘lollipop men’. I’m not sure of the wisdom of allocating young children to this role next to the main road, but all drivers and motorcyclists seemed to be very compliant and respectful of the stop sign.

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