
We missed two storms when in Barca but there was another one today which is seemingly to be named when it gets to Norway. Very blowy and wet! Yuk!

My stats for last week came through and we walked just short of 60 miles for the week away although that included the Sunday we came home which weren’t a lot of steps that day. Average was 21k steps per day.

Waited till later when it calmed down and the sun came out and walked down to the library and back . I’m missing the sun and just heading out the door without taking 10 mins to get togged up.

Got a phone call from the consultants assistant to come in next Friday afternoon for the procedure. Eeek!

This is the friendliest cat. I’m almost home and when anyone walks past its house it runs up the wall to get stroked. I’m not a fan of pet cats but I think this one is lovely. Prob cos it’s friendly . The two that live in my next door neighbours house are not friendly!

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