living in a glass house

By DandelionTree

Favourite toy!

We had a lot of sticky fun at Moore Nature Reserve today. Lovely little place to explore! A den was built, minibeasts were found and held, and many sticks were utilized in many different ways. Fun times!

I got the idea from a friend today to ask Chickpea a set of questions-- here were here answers.

What is the meaning of life?
-What are you saying?

What would you like to be when you grow up?
-A penguin

What makes you happy?
-Sitting with you (awwwww!)

When do you feel loved?
-With you sitting down.

If you could have one wish what would it be?
-A penguin.

What is the funniest word?
-(makes a growly swishy noise)

What is the hardest thing to do?

What is the easiest thing to do?
-To do a heart with beads on.

What's the best thing in the world?
-I don't know.

What is the worst thing in the world?
-Doing blocks

What makes you angry?
-Playing with my friends

If you had all the money in the world what would you buy?
-Cow milk from cows

What does love mean?
-When you say I love you.

Some of her answers are a bit surprising. I have no idea when this penguin fascination began... also it would seem as if cow's milk is in short supply at our house and that playing with her friends is not an enjoyable thing in Chickpea's world. Wrong on both counts. Funny girl!

Monkey is looking a bit like a mad scientist lately with his hair. Hopefully grandma can sort it out when we get to the states. By the way, I am totally freaking out now about this trip. Monkey is at the stage now where he wants to do everything and touch everything and go everywhere all of the time all by himself. I honestly don't know how we are going to wrestle him into an airline seat and keep him there for HOURS and HOURS! I'm sure that we are absolutely bat shit crazy for even attempting it. If anyone has any suggestions for how to entertain an 18 month old in a confined space then please do say!

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