living in a glass house

By DandelionTree


Because it's bloody miserable out there!

The boy has been going through a I will eat nothing but cheese and strawberries and perhaps, maybe some pasta phase lately. So happy he's still breastfeeding as at least I know he's getting something of nutritious value down.

He has been growing so much and I keep meaning to do a proper write-up, so here it is!

Monkey can--

--use a fork and a spoon now, using correct aim most of the time!

-- say daddy, mama, yeah, no, doggie, birdie, *tweet*, baby, *monkey noise*, um...., why? and probably more but I'll have to think about it...

--climb on ANYTHING!

--run and nearly jump.

--attempt to copy a lot of what his sister does.

--make his wants and needs known most of the time.

--persevere! He is soooo good at this!

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