A 'food for life' school

My usual Weds afternoon walk up to Eben's school took me past this banner, newly hung on the railings. What a lovely sight; and the bike, too.
Eben's a bright and sometimes restless little soul, and so far - touch wood - his school is keeping him cheery, motivated and curious. How the teachers manage it all, after 13 years of damaging 'austerity' measures, amazes me. 
Today Eben bounced out of class to tell me that he'd got a star for particularly good playing in the weekly class violin lesson. On the way down the street, we bumped into an old friend - a fellow grandparent at the school - who was manning the little temporary barrier that they put up to keep cars away at drop-off and pick-up times (another plus point for the school).  He and I have known each other for over forty years, partly through public health links (academic ones in my case, primary care medicine in his) .  He's a skilled violinist himself, and his daughter is the school governor who's made possible the free introductory violin lessons for children like Eben.  So it was a nice opportunity to say thank you.
So it's 'food for life' in the broadest senses at Eben's school, really.

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