Shapwick Moor

After we’d dropped Sophie at school we went for a walk at the Hawk and Owl Trust nature reserve on Shapwick Moor, which is part of the Avalon Marshes reserve (one of our regular haunts) but not one we have visited before.

It’s quite a remote spot: the first part of the walk is through pastures, peat and reed beds at the end of which is a hide with lots of bird feeders outside, which is where I took the main blip of one of the many Great Tits and the extras of a Blue Tit and a female pheasant which was grazing on the seeds the smaller birds knocked down.

From there the path took us through ancient marshy woodland to a hide overlooking Canada Lake. There wasn’t much bird life there this morning but it was very peaceful sitting with a view of the lake. We’ll be back.

We treated ourselves to breakfast at the Avalon Marshes cafe again and were home in time for a couple of hours pottering before heading back to school to collect Sophie for another dance rehearsal.

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