A cut above the average

What a day! Strong winds and heavy rain from the word go! On days like this it's best not to look out of the window. I did go out once as the gutter was blocked and the water was filling pots of plants in the crates below - for now I dragged the crates away.

Spent some time sorting photographs and catching up with other things - I've already forgotten what! Answering emails and the like.

By mid-afternoon the rain had stopped and the wind eased, so I took the camera out for a walk around the local roads. Went up the path known locally as the Chicken Run to see what trees had blown down - someone mentioned this to me the other day, saying that the path was blocked. Just some Lawson's Cypress which had lost several big limbs. 

My Blip today is along the same path - I know I make a fuss about tree butchering, but this is just plain daft! They've been like this for a while - do the owners think they're going to regrow into beautiful trees? I came back down the path, had a chat with a friend out with her dogs, then against my better judgement I walked up to McCaig's Tower to see what the council guys had been up to. I should have stayed away! No comment!

Coming home I unblocked the gutter and came in for a cuppa. Photo Club tonight. It's the judging - by A/V - of our 'Dereliction' competition. As Competition Secretary I get to see in advance who won. I didn't!

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