A Huge Sun Halo …

… on the skyline you can see from Diablerets Peaks on the left to Mont Blanc on the extreme right between the trees. A great early morning ski in Leysin with blipper, Wildmint (looking at chamois in extra), and our Leysin friends.

The explanation for this phenomena is, “22° Halo: This circular halo surrounds the sun or moon when they are relatively low in the sky. It is caused by the refraction and reflection of light by hexagonal ice crystals.”  So this is the time of year you will see it most often in light cloudy conditions.

Apparently the theme for the Wide on Wednesday challenge (hosted by BobsBlips) today, is 'The Weather with You” for once I remembered to look it up.

Yoga evening, I need stretching out after the past few days! 

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