The Room Where It Happens

The room is the Palace Theatre, Manchester and what’s happening is the musical “Hamilton”
I must confess I’m a late arrival at this particular party. Despite the show opening in the West End in 2017, I was rather put off by its description as a “hip-hop” musical, and couldn’t work up any enthusiasm to see it, although it received rave reviews.
Then Covid came along and all theatre going was off the agenda for a while. When I resumed trips to the theatre, I still wasn’t sure about seeing Hamilton, even though I had two friends who were uber fans and told me I had to see it. And then it went on tour and settled into Manchester for three months. No excuses left, so tickets were booked and tonight was the night.
We had great seats in the Circle and I thought the staging, choreography and musical numbers were excellent. All the cast were superb, not just in their singing and dancing, but also in the way they handled the transitions between scenes. I was vaguely familiar with who Alexander Hamilton was, and his role in the founding of the United States of America, and that definitely helped my enjoyment of the show.
Overall, a good evenings entertainment and I’m glad I finally got to see it.
But it’s no Les Mis…

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