Foggy birds

Walked down to the shop first thing in the fog with dog.  Clouds of rooks? -jackdaws? wheeling over the field.  It was eerie and still but not particularly cold.  We’d left the papers there yesterday as we were on the IoW but want them for the week.  On a whim, with a clear weekend coming up I bought some Seville oranges and resolved to make marmalade. I have never made it before although have made jam quite often.   Let’s see! 

Day in the barn office doing zooms and watching the mix on episode 2.  

Whilst on a call to a writer in Oregon in what we call the LA slot I was disturbed by what I thought was Vikram in amongst the recycling boxes (he does love a bit of sorting) but it was Fred the neighbour’s labrador who’d managed to get the top off the bin with Woody’s food and was scoffing the lot.   He ran off when I came out and I rang the neighbour but half an hour later she rang saying she couldn’t find him.  So I opened the door and the bin and he came back and we got him. Trapper Kate.  

Watched another True Detective and then carried on reading the Hilary Mantel collection of her writings. 

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