Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

DAY TWENTY (Adelaide)

JR and Gill went for an early morning walk instead of going to the gym. Much more sensible, I think, and they saw a bit more of the city, including some neat statues.

About midday, we got an Uber over town to visit a couple of Gill's long time friends. I must say, the city is so well set out, with vast parks and public gardens surrounding the CBD. The suburbs are smart and lovely, with a six lane road all the way round.

P and G's house is modern and very special. There was no air con on, but it was beautifully cool. It's been built to cope with the sun. We had a good chat with them - they have done SO much, and lived all over the world. And they're keen house swappers...

We had a superb lunch, grilled salmon and noodles, followed by delicious little individual pavlovas. Then we took a walk to the beach, at the end of the road. The fantastic beach went on for miles in each direction. We walked along the new boardwalk, built plenty wide enough for wheelchairs - there is a nearby old peoples' home, and the council wanted to give the old folk/disabled people full access to the beach.

We got an Uber back again, and after a wee rest, we all decided to go out for a stroll. But it was still very hot at 7pm, and I was too tired, and then the others decided they were rather tired too, so we came home to relax. Besides, the tennis final is on...

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