Time for a sunrise pic

The sunrise on these clear mornings are spectacular and Vikram takes a picture of them every time they happen but I wait and pounce.  If I had patience and a better camera you’d see what I saw but I’ll have back fill with words.  The overnight frost sparkled on the grass and the dead oak was filled with cawing rooks (jackdaws? Never quite sure).  It was noisy and eerie at the same time. 

Pilates first thing and met Tori’s new puppy..a tiny smooth haired dachshund called Daphne, I texted V a snap of her saying ‘get rid of the heffalump I’m bringing home a sweetie’.  Poor Woody.  Went over to Mum’s for a cup of coffee and a chat before home for lunch.  I am making a chocolate cherry cake for tomorrow and discovered all too late that I didn’t quite have enough of the bottled Italian cherries I needed.  The quest was on!  V found some in Cowdray in the end, twice the price of the ones on Sous Chef.   

Worked in the garden all afternoon excavating snowdrops from under the beech leaves and clearing round the barn.  Glad when the light forced me in but good to get in touch with the earth again. 

Made the cake and watched a bad episode of Silent Witness  I always keep in touch with it and the opening episode of this series was great.  

Started reading Ordinary Human Failings which is the only one of this year’s Nero prize I haven’t read yet - well, in the novel category.  

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