By greengirl

come on in the water's lovely

Sarah went home today on the train and I took Joe back to his flat and now it is just me, D, Jess and Merry. They have had a good time running around the garden, as I expected, but Merry wasn't too keen to follow Jess into the water!

We went into town early, to visit the Dog Shop (the Canine Rescue Charity shop). It's just brilliant for stocking up on secondhand Dog Stuff. We bought a crate to make it easier for me to take Merry in the car.

Sarah's train to Carlisle was cancelled, so while we waited for the next one, we had hot drinks and hot cross buns in the Station Cafe. I hadn't been in there for ages, and it's great - run by a man from Ethiopia so we had a chat about his country and how D and I used to take 30kg of Tacoma coffee beans home every time we visited. I do miss those trips..

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