Make and Take ……

It’s been a long and tiring day……

First there’s an invitation to lunch with one of G’s ex work colleagues. It’s very pleasant, but I still find socialising really tiring, particularly when it’s with people I don’t really know that well and when it’s a lunch arrangement that spans some six hours! And then there’s a Camera Club workshop - the first non-zoom meeting of the year, and I’m really far too tired.  

Still, it’s a ‘Make and Take’ light painting session where we delve into a huge array of cast off lighting tubes and gels to make our own tubes for light painting. A rudimentary crafting session ensues with coloured gels, scissors, sellotape, baking parchment and  plastic tubes scattered across the room.  

We all succeed in making something, then it’s time to photograph our light sabres - and there’s the excitement of seeing the magical result appear on our camera screens. Or not in my case ……. 

I’m rapidly attaining the status of class duffer, I feel. Despite having all the right settings, using manual focus, having tried and tested my remote, as soon as the lights go out my camera refuses to record the result. Once more, it’s a mystery as various ‘helpers’ gather round. Once more, Dan - resident club tech expert - is summoned, but even he can’t sort the problem. I move to screen activated shutter. It works once then it too abandons me. Eventually Dan tries something that works so at least I come home with some shots. But I am just so stressed, so completely and utterly exhausted by the whole thing. 

Still, I have my blip for the day - a good thing as I’ve had no time for any other photography. I’ve gone for a collage as I find it impossible to pick one image, with another in extras. 

Needless to say, I’ve had little time to spend on journals … I’m so full of admiration for those of you who work or have much busier lives than I do yet still manage to keep up! 

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