Been informed that it is my Blip birthday today : 9 years.
We make a lot of decisions in our lives and becoming a blipper on here was one of my best ones.
What made me decide on that wet, dismal day to start my journal is still a bit of a mystery to me, especially as l didn’t have a camera or even a phone that took photographs.
I bought a camera the next day and a little while later my Nikon.
The Nikon is too heavy to lug about these days so it’s often my phone .
Am thinking of buying something lighter but haven’t decided what yet.
Not missed a day since joining Blip and a photo a day has become as much a daily habit as brushing my teeth.
Eternally grateful to those behind the scenes who work hard to keep this site functioning and to everyone who has looked, commented, starred or hearted my entries. Thank you x

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