Didn't have a good nights sleep last night due to Storm Joselyn.  The wind howled all night and the rain was lashing against the windows.  Very unsettling.  Fortunately today has been a bit calmer with no rain... and we even had bright sunshine for a while

I went to the Metrocentre this afternoon as I had an appointment for my regular 2 yearly eye test at Boots. Not much change in my eyesight but I do have the beginnings of cataracts so I need to go back in one year just to check if they are worse.  It was " suggested " that I might like to get new glasses ... but as my prescription hasn't changed much I decided not to bother.

I had a wander round the shops after the opticians and did some food shopping in M & S.

The Wide Wednesday theme today is " Entrance/Exit ".  My blip shows the entrance to " H Beauty".  ( Harrods Beauty ) It opened in 2022 - previously it was a House Of Fraser - this closed in 2021.  I shopped regularly in HOF but have never been inside H Beauty. Thanks to BobsBlips  for hosting.

Steps today - 7,147

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