
A busy week and foul weather don't go well together. И is here with her boyfriend, with one objective being to sell Edinburgh to him as a place to live: I can't see him being impressed by all the wind and rain! It's also a chance to work together, but first I had to deliver to my class the new material I wrote yesterday. I felt that I delivered it well, but I got little response and, unlike last year, no students seemed interested to meet И and ask about her extensive experience of further studies at Edinburgh. 

Afterwards, we were able to work on HiGHS, but tried to do too much when tired. Fortunately we forgive each other easily.

In the evening I arrived to find that Django had taken a dump in the hallway - as he seems to do every few months. After clearing up, I had to walk him in the wind and rain. Thankfully it was mild, but he lost the ball! 

I was impressed by these lads playing football in the conditions: thank goodness for all-weather pitches!

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