
By IainatCreel

Why Not Take a Cruise to Orkney?

Well, when it came to lighting the stove this evening who would have thought that Barbara Cartland novels are so combustible.  Positively rocket fuel.  In fact in her prime Babs could have relocated to Cape Canaveral and been sent to the moon.   Dancing in the morning (though no Diamond Quickstep).  Went along to visit my Mum p.m.  I think she must put all her energy into her first line.  Even though she was asleep, on waking, she immediately asked ‘Have you heard from New Zealand?’  Does she mean Christopher Luxon or Bean or Frida?  Perhaps we’ll never know.  CMC took me out to the pictures late afternoon.  She’s full of surprises.   
Sandy McCorquodale wasn’t available for comment.

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