Max, St Ninians, Buffalo,

Another break in the weather coincided with the chance to explore the Fife Countryside and also complete a few tasks,

First stop was to pick up the Queen Anne revival table which Max McCance repaired after it collapsed. Max did his usual excellent work. 

Pat had been reading about the St Ninian’s Fife Earth Project at Lassodie. This is an Earth sculpture near Kelty. There are several videos about this work. Pat was keen to see it.  An interesting place to enjoy a walk.  I knew exactly where it is located  and We were able to drive by it on the M90. Pat was astonished at the size of this amazing incomplete work.

Something to do in the Spring and to photograph then.

We then drove to the Buffalo Farm to pick up our order of meat and cheese.

On our way back home we drove through some horrendous rain storms.

And today’s entry is of an analogue telephone pole with a 5G mobile mast taken through the car roof whilst Pat did some shopping in Aldi, Cupar.

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