Booky Goatherd

By Booky_Goatherd

Monday: Love Explosion

One of the places we really wanted to visit was Key West.  We did look at it as a possible place to stay but there wasn’t much availability and what there was, was very expensive.  So instead we drove two hours to spend the day there - the drive itself was fascinating, lots of very long bridges over the ocean and across the Keys.

We really liked Key West.  It has a lovely old world Florida feel to it.  We visited Hemingway’s house which we really enjoyed.  Hemingway had a black and white cat with six toes.  There are now 61 cats on the property, all lounging around in the house and on the grounds.  Most have six toes as they are descendants of the original cat.

We had a nice lunch and then drove back up, stopping off at the wonderfully named Curry Hammock park.  We also stopped at the Islamorada Brewing Company for a little sampling.  

Dinner out in Key Largo where we got chatting to a nice variety of people.

I’ve added a few extras, including of Hemingway’s house and of the 
USA’s southernmost point.

Someone clearly loves Valentine’s Day.

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