Water damage

These two shots show some of the water damage to our kitchen ceiling (top) and walls (bottom). The decorator has been busy fixing it today. Everything should look brilliant white again by tomorrow evening.

With the kitchen out of bounds and the study crammed with the kitchen's contents, the three of us have been cooped up in the sitting room most of the day. While Mr hazelh has been focussed on Gaelic and play writing, I have continued my review of Marina's draft PhD thesis, and Mummy hazelh has been listening to classical music .

The draft thesis review has turned out to be a huge job. After four days on the tome, I still have a large section of one chapter, and all of another, to read and mark up tomorrow. Then I need to transform thirteen pages (so far) of handwritten notes into narrative feedback. Although this is a real chore, it's always in the best interest of PhD students for their supervisors to provide as much advice as possible at this stage of the process, especially when there is plenty of time to act on it before submission. If I didn't follow this practice, I fear that I would raise the risk of exposing my students to the examination outcome of 'pass with major corrections', or even a rewrite. (I am proud that all but one of the PhD students for whom I have been Director of Studies have come out of their vivas with a 'pass with minor corrections'.) 

With the kitchen out of commission we had a (very rare) takeaway for supper this evening: scampi and chips for me and Mr hazelh; fish and chips for Mummy hazelh.

Exercise today: 1 hour on the exercise bike.

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