Winter Renewal Continues.....

Tonight we gathered in the MPB for the third in our series of Winter Renewal services.  It was cold outside, but not raining----just a little puddly from the morning rain we got.  As you can see, this service was a little more intimate and casual than the first two on Sunday. We ate a meal together accompanied by laughter and sweet fellowship, we sang together led by Charles and we prayed together as we prepared our hearts to hear another great sermon from Bro. Jimmy.  He spoke to us from Exodus 3:7-14 where God tells Moses that He has chosen him to lead the Israelites out of Egyptian slavery.  He said that the passage tells us a great deal about the characteristics of God and how He interacts with people because He hears us when we cry out to Him, He cares about our suffering and He has a plan for our deliverance if we trust Him.  Looking forward to our final service in this series tomorrow night.  Come join us and be blessed!

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