Cold Swans

For the first time ever in the Dower House I heard the wind last night . It was howling through the trees in the Meadows in a steady roar and for the second time in 2 nights blew over the cast iron patio table and sent my little Christmast tree skittering yards away from its perch on top of a discarded chimney stack outside the dining room window.
Today was one of sunshine and wind blown showers, one of the latter coinciding perfectly with my 20 minute Afternoonafternoon walk to catch a bus to the other end of Edinburgh for my dental check up. The lengths this Lady will go to for a NHS dentist is admirable on paper but ridiculous in practice. Without a car there are 3 routes to Saughton (not the prison, which would provide more routes!) A taxi, making the visit the price of private dentistry, 2 walks and a tram journey or 2 walks and a bus journey. I chose the latter which is very slow but did indeed give me the chance to blip these swans at the end of the Union Canal as I waited at the bus stop.

All is well on the tooth front but I have signed up for a new crown. My mouth is my fortune. So much gold, I should have police protection .

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