Its the Way It Is

By Jeano

My Sister in Law

texted me this morning about our planned lunch today. We had agreed the date before Christmas. I totally forgot about it and as I was sitting chatting to my mum in the nursing home, I had to rush home and do a quick tidy up.

My SIL is a botanical artist and much too modest. I have 4 pieces of her work done when she was in her teens up on my wall. She is very laid back and good company.
Her husband dropped her to me on his way into Dublin and picked her up at 6 this evening.

I cooked spaghetti with homemade pesto and then a kind of a layered crushed walnut, blueberry, melted white chocolate yogurt dessert that I made up. (It takes 5 minutes and it’s lovely).

She brought wine and I decided we would toast her work as I asked her to tell me about each piece of work I have of hers (I have a further 2 pieces she did when she was 14).

I think an artist should be credited and praised.

There is a dreadful wind storm blowing and she just texted me to say they are both home safely.

Last week has been a bit difficult but the company of my SIL gave me a gee up.

I’m a bit behind on comments and thank yous. So apologies to all.

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