Mexico Here I Come!

The airport shuttle will be here in about an hour to pick me up. I have a red-eye to Miami (gulp...the red eye I mean, not Miami) and then a five hour layover before I catch a quick flight to Merida, the airport closest to where my sister lives in the small town of Chelem. I'll be there sometime tomorrow afternoon WOO HOO! After the weather this past week I cannot wait to be there. 

Meanwhile, the snow and ice have mostly melted around my house - a view from my dining room window looking green and lush and benign. But sadly many people in Portland have had horrendous situations with downed trees and no power, including my son who lost his last night. He says he can't get out of his driveway because of the icy hill. He tried to go for a walk to see what he could see and there were trees down everywhere. My heart goes out to those who are struggling. 

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