
By ayearinthelife

Lego House

When we did backstage at the KAOS production of The Addams Family in October, one of the cast made little Lego figures of all his fellow cast members. Each one was individually printed to look as much like the person as possible.
He also did ones of us backstage lot but, as I was missing for the last two performances, I didn’t get mine until last week. I’ve got to say that they certainly capture the essence of Mrs C and myself, though it would have been nice to have been portrayed with at least a bit of hair - I haven’t lost it all yet!
It’s been a warmer day today, relatively speaking, but this has been offset by the threat of strong winds and lots of rain this weekend. I’ve had to wait until the end of the day to take a photo for Blip because I had my annual Diabetic Retinopathy check up this morning. The process involves putting drops in the eyes to dilate the pupils but this does mean blurred vision and an aversion to bright light for a few hours afterwards.
Anyway, vision all back to normal now and the central heating has kicked in, so a nice warm night in watching the telly would seem to be the best plan for this evening.

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