
We’ve lived in Little Slade for three years.  Two years ago I commissioned this slate plaque to sit on the end wall of the cottage but Tom is a craftsman and wasn’t to be rushed.  But here it is!  He spent most of the day failing to hang it which is why there isn’t a picture of it in situ.  He has to reinforce the bolts with a glue which, in this cold weather takes two hours to set so he’s back tomorrow to start the process of holding it up. 

As Lady Landowner I popped out of the barn office momentarily and gave instructions as to where to hang it whilst V spent the day helping him and dishing out soup etc.  

Busy day in the barn office with a long zoom all afternoon on my Sky show with a writer who’s become a good friend who I am trying to support through his first production. 

Mum had a fall this afternoon, nothing broken thank goodness but a deep cut on her forehead.  Brother two , Jono took her to hospital and spent the afternoon updating us on the family WhatsApp group but she’s at home thankfully and sporting a black eye but luckily in one piece.  

Another cosy evening in front of Fargo mayhem, slightly weird filler episode tonight.  

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