A northern flicker

An occasional visitor to my deck today and he stayed long enough for a photo shoot, he spent at least 15 minutes here. I've seen the northern flicker around, usually just catching a glimpse of his yellow tail as he flies away.
Shortly after I put the feeders out this morning all 3 of the pine warblers were there. It's still hard to tell them apart but one is a little smaller than the other 2. Then the cardinal joined them. A couple of blue jays flew in, had a snack and left again. Just before I left for work I saw the squirrel running along the deck railing, then he made a leap for the oak tree. That is a longer distance and not as easy a landing as when he goes to the hemlock. It must be at least 6 feet, but he made it. Then I looked down and the neighbor's cat was on the deck. When I came home from work, the squirrel was sitting in the feeder again.
When the flicker showed up, the squirrel wasn't too sure what to do. He started to leave, then turned around and flattened himself along the railing. He sat like that for a few minutes, then decided the flicker was not a threat, and he jumped into the feeder again and sat there munching away.

I have the next 3 days off. It is supposed to be dry but cold and windy.

Work went well today, I was over my time by a half hour, but that was mainly because the store handed me a bag with the new product in it, and someone had opened most of the packaging, so I had to sort thru it.

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