I don't know though?  "Feeds four" probably translates as Three meals for Kanyl.
       I went, as I may have mentioned, for my "Oliver's" Breakfast - BUT - I took a funny turn and bought other than Bacon, Sausages, Snack-type items and grabbed some diced Lamb.
      The recently, for reasons I know not, turned it around.   I used to enter at "Door A", straight upstairs, feed, downstairs, slowly shop my way to "Door B", pay and leave.
      NOW - enter by Door B walk the length of the building, go upstairs, feed, downstairs, walk the length of the building, shop my way back the length of the building towards Door A, pay and leave.
     Where does the Manual/small print come in?  WELL!  Had I read it I'd have seen "Feeds four"  T. B. H. I doubt I'd have changed my mind - BUT - it kinda makes a point?
      B T W - If you're Welsh, feel free to correct me; more - BUT - isn't it pronounced Cowl?

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