Work pending.

      Apparently I was diagnosed with C O P D, which I was totally unaware of. As I perpetually have been heard to say - "I've never been 81 (pick a number) SO - I've no idea what to expect & thought the degree of "unfititude" was a byproduct of anno domini.
      It appears not.  However "they" got me and the 7(?) week course starts today.

      The extra?
      You may remember this, from a couple of days ago.  I rashly prophesied their "Feeds four" would give me three meals.
      I forgot - when I make anything of this nature, whether by this, lazy, method, which saved buying a LOT and using a little, or from basics; I kinda get addicted and grab the odd spoonful, hot or cold at every kitchen visit and frequent take two helpings as opposed to, probably, the intended one. 
       Result - two day's meals thoroughly enjoyed; to the extent this, or similar, may become a regular, if infrequent meal in future.
       For the record, it makes a goodish substitute for Alice's Pan of Broth.  Whereby hangs another tale.  I looked up Broth online and found a succession of weird, watery, consommé-like stuff. - THEN - I discovered the stuff WE call Broth "they" call Scotch Broth.

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