Day 3

The third day this week of leaving the house by 8:30 am and getting home around 5 pm. Tomorrow will seem like a short day, if all goes well I should be finished around noon.
S came over this morning to help me get started on the nail color reline. And the printer broke at the store so I had to work my part of the section using a screen shot on my tablet. That made it take extra time. R was feeling much better today than she was the day I had her at Micmac for training. G has given her notice but said she would finish the week. She could only work till 2 today so I asked another worker to come in to cover the rest of the day. N is really good, and I have both him and R with me next week.
After heavy rain last night it started to clear this morning. I really liked the light over the lake, so I opened the door for a  minute to pop out and get a photo.
The morning doves have been taking over the feeders for the past week. Two of the pine warblers are still around, I know I see them early morning and again late afternoon. The goldfinches were around this morning. The morning doves have figured out how to land on the feeder, so they emptied that today. I've been hoping to discourage them by not putting any seed on the railing, but that is not working. With 7 or 8 morning doves sitting on the railing and on the deck, the smaller birds are not coming around as much. After shooing the doves away a few times in the morning they do leave long enough for the smaller birds to come and feed for awhile.

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