Snow Art

I had a few things to do in town so as it started to get dark I drove into Härnösand.  I checked the weather app because it had started snowing again. It all seemed pretty okay and I actually read "There are no weather warnings in your area".
Well, an hour later I was still doing my shopping but there was a full scale blizzard in process. As I drove home I had to keep the speed right down because the swirling snow really restricted vision and I bumped through low drifts that were right across the road. When I got home I found Jan outside, digging out the parking space of our car because about 20 cm of snow had come down in the two hours I was away.
Ironically the weather centre sent out a storm warming at 4 o'clock, advising people to stay home, but by then we were all very aware of the storm!
I took a few photos around the house but my favourite was this one of the garden bench - it made me think Art Nouveau but I'm no expert! The extra, (now on flickr)  shows the path up to Betty's which is also become a work of natural art.

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