The kayak tent before our work.

When we got out it was still windy but there were just a few flakes swirling around. It quickly became evident we needed to do a good bit of work here.  The snow was knee deep but more importantly it had been compressed by the stormy wind and was surprisingly dense and heavy. There were 20-30 cm on top of the tent and the drifts at the side were putting a fair bit of pressure on the structure.
It took both of us well over an hour to get the snow off that roof and away from the sides. One of my first jobs was to get up onto the old heaps of cleared snow and push them further away, so there was a place to heap the new piles. When you find yourself doing that sort of job you know it has been a very snowy winter (and it's only January).
Once we'd finished the tent I felt pretty exhausted and was looking forward to going in. Unfortunately we took a look at the car and found it was well snowed in. Rikard, driving the big tractor, is wary of getting too close to the car so there's always a bit of a heap in front of it and along one side. This time the heap was big, so that was another hour of shovelling. Fortunately I found my second wind. But as it got dark Jan, quite sensibly and knowing I do have a slight obsession with finishing the job, suggested it was good enough and I realised she was right.
As we came in we saw that the bench that featured in yesterday's blip had completely disappeared under the snow during the night!
Once inside there was an hour in front of the wood burner with cups of tea, slowly recovering from the exertions.
Once rested, I attacked the online tax assessment forms for HMRC in the UK. Our UK tax affairs are simple and involve very little money. Usually the tax people return all the tax we've paid but there's still a fair bit of information that needs to be collected and collated. In the end the job was done, the forms submitted and the receipts electronically stored, as HMRC suggests.
An obvious feature in my blip is the satellite dish. Since we are now fully online and no longer subscribe to any TV service that piece of garden furniture could be removed, but there always seem more urgent jobs to do! Perhaps next summer...

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