Ffotograff i ffrind

Ffotograff i ffrind ~ Photograph for a friend

“Ananda, the Buddha's long-time personal attendant and monk-disciple, asks Buddha: ""Is it true what has been said, that good spiritual friends are fully half of the holy life?"" The Buddha replied, ""No, Ananda, good spiritual friends are the whole of the holy life. Find refuge in the Sangha community.”
― Shakyamuni Buddha

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Rydw i'n hoffi siopa, rhaid i mi gyfaddef, does dim ots beth nac ar gyfer pwy. Heddiw roedd hi dim ond siopa domestig, bwydydd ayyb. Roedd y tywydd yn oer iawn ond wnaeth hynny ddim fy mhoeni. Roedd siopa i'w wneud a beic i'w reidio.

Wrth gwrs roedd cyfle i dynnu ffotograffau yn y fynwent. Y ffotograff hwn, tynnais i gyda ffrind mewn meddwl. Roedd hi wedi gweld ffotograff blaenorol lle'r nid oedd y garreg fedd hon y ffocws, a gwnaeth hi eisiau gwybod mwy amdani. Felly mae'r ffotograf’ yma iddi hi,

Dyma fedd o Florence Emily Crampton a fu farw Ebrill 27ain, 1910, 31 oed.  Mae'r cerflun yn fâs wedi'i amgáu â dail ac wedi'i gorchuddio â lliain. Codwyd hi gan ei gwr Percy Frederick Crampton

Dyna'r stori.

We, roeddwn i orffen yr holl siopa, ac yn postio fy ffilm i'w phrosesu. Gaf i weld y ffotograffau mewn ychydig o wythnosau.

Digon am un diwrnod.

... Ond yfory, efallai, byddan ni'n ymlacio

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I like to shop, I must admit, it doesn't matter what or for whom. Today it was only domestic shopping, groceries etc. The weather was very cold but that didn't bother me. There was shopping to do and a bike to ride.

Of course there was an opportunity to take photographs in the cemetery. This photograph, I took with a friend in mind. She had seen a previous photograph where this tombstone was not the focus, and it made her want to know more about it. So this photograph is for her,

This is the grave of Florence Emily Crampton who died April 27th, 1910, aged 31. The sculpture is a vase enclosed in leaves and covered with cloth. It was was put up by her husband Percy Frederick Crampton

That's the story.

Well, I finished all the shopping, and posted my film to be processed. I will see the photographs in a few weeks.

Enough for one day.

... But tomorrow, perhaps, we will relax.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Carreg fedd cerflun fâs
Description (English): A vase gravestone

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