Beach Hangover

How is it possible that a day at the beach can make you so tired the next day? The sun, the water and the sand. I woke up feeling I had a beach hangover. I did not swim because the water was still too cold (64F). I did take a walk around photographing the sights and I know that walking in the shifting beach sand can simulate an aggressive work out but I did not really walk that far. Still, I woke up feeling so foggy and lazy today. Maybe I did not drink enough water. Becoming dehydrated can definitely make me feel off my game. I procrastinated getting on the exercise bike by doing the laundry! Anyone that knows me will know how funny and desperate I must have been to stall getting on my bike by doing the laundry!
It worked out okay though because the more I moved around the more water I drank and the better I felt. I got on the bike, was listening to my iPod and really getting into the music. When you have ear buds in your ears you cannot really hear anything but the music so when I started singing aloud I could not really hear how I sounded....or had any idea how loud I was singing. It was not until later than my husband told me not to quit my day job. I was so confused. I asked him what in the world was he talking about. He told me he heard me singing while I was exercising. Oh jeez. Apparently, I am not as good a singer as I thought (not). Those endorphins can really fool you. Ha-ha.
The flowering vine I chose for my Blip is a new addition to our garden this year. It is a mandevilla vine. The flowers are in pink, red or white. So far it is really doing well where we planted it. It makes for a nice burst of color in the garden.

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