Chilly Monday morning

I woke far too early but what a view through the window of one of the back bedrooms. I had got up but after seeing it was so early I went back to bed!
When I got up properly it looked like it had snowed but on closer inspection, what looked like tiny polystyrene balls must have been hailstones. They had frozen in place. See extra.
There was a breeze and sunshine so I optimistically pegged the towels out and they dried well.
I didn't fancy a walk as it was icy everywhere in the shade and so I chickened out.
Our cars were well frozen till the sunshine reached them.
The garden is coming to life. The snowdrops are flowering and quite a few primroses, many bulbs have grown through quite a bit and our crinodendron is covered in flower buds.  See other extra.
GP surgery rang me but when I answered nobody spoke - maybe it was a bad signal. I rang them and they told me it was about some tests I had done ages ago (clippings of fingernails as my fingernails are coming off) and gave me the results (nothing found) which I already had weeks back. Later they rang again to say they need more clippings of my fingernails and my expedite letter has gone to Dermatology to bring my appointment forward (due in August, which will be 2 years after my skin  problems started). This I'd already been informed of before Christmas but heard nothing back from Derm yet.
Terry is still waiting to hear about his hip replacement and it's gone 2 months longer than he was told he'd have to wait. In December they told him they'd be ringing him early in the New Year re his op date. Hope it's soon as he is in agony even just sitting.

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