
By Groggster

Making (Snow) Tracks

Today we had a first snow of 2024. It looked like we were going to get quite a few inches of snow at one point as there was almost blizzard like conditions, but they only lasted about 20 minutes and we were left with only a light dusting which looked more like a sprinkling of icing sugar. Today's image is very much a lazy man's blip - I just walked down our driveway and took this one shot.

I'm really enjoying following my art diet (an artwork a day for January -  see previous blip 01/01/2024). Over the last 7 days I've been fascinated and enthralled by viewing a startling film of Claude Monet painting in his garden at Givenchy in 1914, a woodblock print of a Winter View of Shimasaku in the (Japanese) Province of Iki dating from 1856 by Utagawa Hioshige, a self portrait by Artemesia Gentilesci circa 1638, Tale-pieces - vignettes, printed from woodcuts, designed to fill blank space on the page at the end of book chapters teeming with visual humour - by Thomas Bewick from the same year, Vincent Van Gogh's painting Starry Night from 1889, Edouard Manet's portrait of a boy foot solider called The Fifer from 1886 and an abstract artwork named Hoop-La from 1965 by Jeremy Moon (who sadly was tragically killed in a motorcycle accident in 1973 at the heartbreakingly young age of 39).

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