500 (and out)

Finally! It's seemed like a long time coming, especially lately. Life's been a bit fraught in the past few months, but I was determined to make it to 500 uninterrupted diary entries. Now that I'm there, I'm going to relax a bit and take a break, not posting every day, but more when the mood takes me. It's been great looking back at how Gracie Pie has grown over the past 500 days, which is almost 2/3 of her life so far when you think about it (she's 22 months old today). Thanks to all who make this site possible and to those who make it such a warm and snuggly place to be. I've been pretty rubbish at joining in lately, so apologies for that. Thanks also to Grace for posing again for me today, though it took some bribery with a box of bread sticks for her to sit still. Off to put my feet up now and watch Wimbledon. Now where are those strawberries and cream...(sadly no Pimms for me until next year).

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