A little bit of snow

We had some snow falling for a little bit. The little flecks of white in the picture are all the snow we got and hours later we had sunshine again. 

My art mentor told me I needed a didactic. I cannot ever remember that word. It is a printed explanation of what the show is about. I went to Michaels, a craft store, and bought spray glue, and to Staples, an office supply store, and bought foam board. I will write something and have Staples print it and then I’ll glue it to the board. Also at her suggestion I will print and glue the nice news story. 

Nothing is going wrong but I woke up stressed about the show. 

This afternoon one of the mothers of one of my models connected me with someone at a museum in Baltimore because she thinks my exhibit should be shown there. It may be the menopause (my mother-in-law said I get to blame everything on that) but it made me want to cry. 

I told my models this was a “one and done” event with no plans for after so I reached out to them and so far they’ve said yes. I expect the other two adults to say yes. One of the mothers of one of the youth asked when she signed the release form what my plans were for after and I clearly, emphatically stated, “nothing.” She also said yes and offered to help. 

Patriarch Kirill of the Russian Orthodox Church is very pro-Russia, pro-Putin, pro-war. Aleksiy Uminsky, a priest, has been fired from the Russian Orthodox Church for refusing to read a prayer asking God to guide Russia to victory over Ukraine. Dozens of Russian Orthodox priests have been punished, which means dozens of Russian Orthodox priests have been protesting. 11,627 Orthodox believers have signed an open letter in his support since he was removed. 
Mike Racz and Karl Pemberton are two businessmen who were planning to drive a small van to Ukraine with donations. People have been so generous that they are using two lorries instead. They must be English because in the US we call them semi-trailer trucks, the big commercial ones, aka semis. Yes? That and it was a BBC story. 
The UK pledged nearly $3 billion in fresh military support for Ukraine on Friday. 

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