Last light

I decided a walk would be better than a run today but I left it until dusk to see what sort of sky there would be a try some dusk photography. A few acceptable pics, though I couldn't capture all the colours in the sky, but this one took my fancy. The flash came on automatically and I like the effect on the grasses.
I was up and out early (for a Sunday morning) to drop Mr Rat off for a lift to a run and got back just as the sun was rising.
Church as usual this morning and a lazt early afternoon until it was time to put the meal in the oven and then go for my walk.
Mr Rat got in about 6.15pm, having thoroughly enjoyed the run in bright, cold conditions, and by the time he'd had a shower the food was ready.
P.S. It was sunny all day - except for the snow shower early afternoon

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