Tentsmuir Lake

It was raining when I got up and raining mid-afternoon (and still is) but for a few hours it was beautiful.
We went across to Tentsmuir where Mr Rat went for a cycle (and then cycled home) and I went for a run.
Last time we were there, October I think, there was a wet area but not huge, today there was a lake about a mile long among the dunes. I followed it, and then along the hardish sand near the water, until I got to the point. I've been there before but it was different today as most of the higher bits with marram grass on had been washed away, I presume the new lake is also because the sea had washed away bits of dunes. It'll be interesting to see how it develops.
I've added 2 extras, one reflections in the lake (there were quite a lot as numerous small trees had been surrounded) and the other patterns in the sand.
Back at the car park we had tasty bagels before returning home.

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